The #1 AWS Lambda IDE

Manage your Lambda based system like never before. Drill down to the logs, or zoom out to the overall architecture. With Commandeer, your Serverless dreams can come true.

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Lambda management made easy

Save Time

Navigating all your Lambdas and all their related connections with our treeview and global search is quick and easy.

Increase Productivity

Find the information you need fast. View your CloudWatch Logs in a simple and elegant way.

Understand your System

System diagrams showing connections between other AWS services and your Lambdas let everyone visualize how your system works.

Build, Test, Repeat

Our test runners for SQS, SNS, S3, DynamoDB Streams, CloudWatch Rules and the API Gateway means you can simulate real world scenarios.

Deploy IaC

Using our Serverless Framework Runner, you can instantly deploy your Lambdas in the same UI that you test them in.

Invoke Lambda

Test your Lambdas by passing in JSON and viewing the returned data and the related CloudWatch Logs.

Move it, move it

Quick Access

Our treeview navigation means you spend less time searching, and more time doing.

Measure twice, cut once

Test your System

Not only can you invoke your Lambda directly, but you can also test out your DynamoDB streams, SQS queues, S3 bucket invocations and more with our suite of test runners.

Seeing is Believing

System Diagrams

Don't just imagine your system, visualize it. With our diagramming tools, you can now explain your system in a whole new way.


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